“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
To fulfill this mission, we constructed and now operate the Madison Day Center in Constanta, a modest and cheerful facility where we meet the physical and spiritual needs of our Foundation members at no cost. Our work at the center has produced measurable and encouraging improvement in each member. We provide the following services:
- Social activities
- Self-help skills
- Ability-appropriate education
- Medical consultation and medications
- Individualized physical therapy
- Prostheses provided by the Cornel Foundation UK
- Family counseling
- Support in personal crises
- Evangelical classes and Biblical instruction
- Transportation
- A summer VBS day camp and Christmas party directed by American mission teams from our sending church in Milford, Ohio
In the future, we hope to:
- Establish a residential care facility
- Establish a full service clinic
- Ultimately, entrust the mission to the management of Romanians
Statement Of Faith
We believe in the Holy Scriptures to be the Word of Almighty God, and fully inspired by His Holy Spirit. We believe that God manifested Himself on earth in the form Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, suffered death on the cross for the sin of mankind, was buried and resurrected, and will one day return to earth for those who believe in Him as Savior.